UAV communication reconnaissance integrated platform solution

The UAV Reconnaissance Communication Integrated Platform addresses the problems often faced in the public security and emergency rescue operations such as poor communication in the front, loss of information in transmission between front and rear ends, inadequate reconnaissance methods, difficulty in information transmission, and weak intelligence analysis methods.

UAV supervision and service platform solution

The rapid development of UAV technologies has resulted in UAV applications in various industries. Avicomms has developed a UAV monitor, control and service system based on Beidou/4G/5G communication technologies to effectively address the mounting security concerns caused by UAV applications.

Aerial intelligence surveillance and reconnaissance system solution

Avicomms’ Aerial Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance System is based on ATG wireless broadband communication network, utilizing various aerial platforms to realize air-to-ground HD video monitoring, target detection and tracking, and other intelligence gathering. The system works around the clock and cross regions in all weather and various topographical conditions, and transmits intelligence data real time back to ground command and control and visualizes the data on displays.



Address:A2106, Tower 1, Wangjing SOHO, 1 Futong Ave, Chaoyang District, Beijing